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Now the Whole World Knows About Indy’s Lightsaber Academy

GQ contributor Jeff Vrabel, who lives in Indianapolis, let the magazine’s readers know about 2015 Best of Indy winner Indy Lightsaber Academy in a blog post today. Vrabel armed himself (“This isn’t a baseball bat, for God’s sake, it’s a plasma blade suspended in a Force containment field, so please get your shit together”) and infiltrated a class to see if it passes muster with a Star Wars fan. Read his full review—and find out the one fatal mistake you simply cannot make in intergalactic swordplay.

You don’t have to wait for future GQ blogs to learn about the coolest things in Indy, though—they’re all listed here, in our brand-new Best of Indy list.

Fernandez began writing for Indianapolis Monthly in 1995 while studying journalism at Indiana University. One of her freelance assignments required her to join a women's full-tackle football team for a season. She joined the staff in 2005 to edit IM's ancillary publications, including Indianapolis Monthly Home. In 2011, she became a senior editor responsible for the Circle City section as well as coverage of shopping, homes, and design-related topics. Now a contributing editor for Indianapolis Monthly, she lives in Garfield Park.

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