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Review: Born Again Floozies at Old National Centre

A healthy mix of teens, twentysomethings, and middle-aged folks craving an alternative sound all came together last Saturday night to support the eclectic modern rock music of Born Again Floozies. Old National Centre’s promising new venue, Deluxe, hosted the band’s album release party for their fourth record, The Voluptuous Panic or Earthquake Revolution—produced by Floozies frontman Joey Welch and Grammy–winning producer Ben Fowler.

The night began with a near-full VIP section, along with a fair number of fans in the standing area, showing support for opening acts Party Lines and Vess Ruhtenberg. As the Floozies began setting up, a rather large crowd began forming at the front of the stage, especially at left. That’s where Michele Long beautifully blends tap-dancing into Floozies’ unique sound, which clearly knows no boundaries. A horn section suggesting ska qualities, a drummer, and a bass player are the definition of cohesion, with a “turntablist” layering hip-hop influence.

Welch, lead vocalist and guitarist, plays the guitar like a piano—“apotement” style. This is also a crowd pleaser, but his style of play is far from a gimmick. He has an excellent ear for guitar-tone and plays every note without fail. Throughout the night, each musician was given the spotlight to showcase solo talents, and all delivered. The band played for two solid hours with the same energy from start to finish. Welch’s fingers were quite literally bleeding near the end.

With so many flourishes to see and hear, Born Again Floozies were refreshing and entertaining, both of themselves and compared to traditional rock shows. This band is like rock music thrown in every direction, which makes it hard to pigeonhole into a specific genre. Floozies can push music’s limits far enough apart to sound beautiful when it all comes together, thus making them a true alternative act—one well worth seeing live.


About the author: Layne played guitar in the rock band Ferguson for five years, releasing two albums and playing hundreds of shows. Music has always been a way of life for him. “I knew it was more than just noise when I was 11 years old,” Layne says. “My grandpa was playing his trumpet along with a Sinatra record, and it set a fire in me that still burns.” Fun fact: His uncle has played trumpet for Jimmy Buffett for more than 20 years.


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