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What I Know: Sophie Faught

AGE: 25  GIG: Sax player and instructor  DESERVES SNAPS: The Indy native fronts a quartet at the Chatterbox on Wednesdays and has racked up an impressive resume at a young age, playing with Slide Hampton, the Temptations, and the Four Tops.

Probably once
a week, at least, someone will come up to me at a gig and say something like, “I used to play in high school. I wish I still played …”

My theory is that they only learn how to perform in the context of the high-school group.

That’s where private lessons [for kids] come in. You can explore how to make music in other ways, so once high school’s over, they still have that musical outlet.

I really believe every person has an instrument that’s meant for them.

My parents got me a keyboard for Christmas when I was 4. That was when I started playing music.

In public schools, they come around with an instrument petting zoo in fifth grade. I don’t know why, but I had my eye on that tenor sax.

Learning to play an instrument doesn’t happen overnight. There’s trouble right now because a lot of kids have never done something they’re going to be bad at for a year before they’ll make sounds they’re going to really enjoy.

If i just play music and don’t do anything else, it doesn’t work well for me. I’m a person who needs diversity in my day. So music school wasn’t right. I wanted to be in a place where I was learning something new and around diverse opinions.

I got my degree in international studies from IU.

Yes, I am using it.

I work for a nonprofit called MindFreedom International. We protect the human rights of people in the mental-health system. I’m so much more than Sophie the musician. It’simportant to be Sophie the human.


Sophie’s Choices: Meet the Bandmates

Nick Tucker, 25, bassist

Has perfect pitch when he whistles.

Ben Lumsdaine, 21, drummer

Former band’s song featured on VH1’s Bad Girls Club.

David Linard, 33, pianist

Will attend Julliard in the fall.

Photos by Tony Valainis

This article appeared in the August 2013 issue.


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