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Meow Meow Brings Her Act to The Cabaret

On April 11, the exuberant Australian performer will steam up the Columbia Club. Here, a naughty little peek before the show.

When folks come to see you perform in Indy, what should they expect? To be turned on? To laugh? Both?

They should expect music and mayhem, a night of exotic torch songs—beautiful Brel, beastly Brecht, Piazzolla tangos, Radiohead, and possibly the splits.

How does a jet-setting cabaret dancer deal with the indignities of travel?

An audience and adrenaline will cure any jet lag. I once did a Valentine’s Day show in Australia, went straight to the airport, and, because of the time difference, managed to appear at the San Francisco MoMA the same day. Then I headed to Berlin the next morning! If I feel really wan, I can always crowd-surf. It’s a quick way of getting to literally touch my audience.

Where did you get your musical taste?
I’m not sure, but the muses responsible should probably be arrested.

This article appeared in the April 2014 issue.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
