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My Super Job: DeMario Vitalis

Day Job: Off-highway product planner for Cummins Inc., developing the global plans for the engine products that will be used by Cummins Power Generation

My Super Job: Super Scarves Committee Co-chair

What That Means: I help coordinate the events and activities to promote the Super Bowl Super Scarves program and encourage people to participate. The knitting events we have planned are social and fun, so the hours spent volunteering seem to go by fast. 

Knit Picking: The designs that continue to amaze me are from a knitter in Minneapolis named Belinda, aka Goodnightgrams. She has a blog where she takes pictures of her scarves and writes a column on the inspiration and idea behind the design.  “The Chain Gang – Super Scarf #17” is my favorite.

Moving the Needle: I learned how to knit. Once I got the hang of doing the regular garter stitch, I wanted to take on a greater challenge with patterns. I plan to continue knitting. I have found it to be quite relaxing and therapeutic, and I like to knit when I am watching sports on television. One lesson I’ve learned is to work on multiple projects at a time. Whenever I run into trouble on one project, I stop that one and switch to working on knitting the other project until I get some help.

Super Bowl Winner Prediction: The Green Bay Packers have a good chance to make it to the Super Bowl. Plus, I have Aaron Rodgers on my fantasy football team, so I need him to continue to put up those good numbers. 

Dream Celebrity Sighting During the Super Bowl: President Obama, Jay-Z, and Beyoncé.

Fernandez began writing for Indianapolis Monthly in 1995 while studying journalism at Indiana University. One of her freelance assignments required her to join a women's full-tackle football team for a season. She joined the staff in 2005 to edit IM's ancillary publications, including Indianapolis Monthly Home. In 2011, she became a senior editor responsible for the Circle City section as well as coverage of shopping, homes, and design-related topics. Now a contributing editor for Indianapolis Monthly, she lives in Garfield Park.

1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
