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My Super Job: Jill Henry

Name: Jill Henry

Day Job: Chief Operating Officer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center  (“Komen Tissue Bank”)

Super Job: Working with the staff of the Komen Tissue Bank and Indy’s Super Cure committee to put on a Super Tissue Collection event on January 28-29 with 700 tissue donors and 600 volunteers over two days. (This is the equivalent of 1.5 years of work in two days). 

What I do: Handle the day-to-day operations of the Komen Tissue Bank in conjunction with my three bosses, two principal investigators and one breast cancer advocate. This includes fielding tissue requests from researchers around the world, addressing media inquiries, helping with event preparation, advance work for off-site events and helping our small but mighty staff with whatever they might need to do their jobs. 

Been doing it since: I started this job in 2007 and am thankful every day that I have a fantastic job that is very suited to my skills and interests.

Perks of My Super Job: I get to work at the Super Tissue Collection event all day for two days, plus set up and tear down. Other perks include getting to work with the fantastic women of Indy’s Super Cure–many of our city’s influential women have gotten behind this effort, and it has been amazing and fulfilling to work with them. 

Going to the game? I don’t have any tickets at the moment but would be honored to attend should the opportunity present itself.  I will be happy to relax and watch it in the comfort of my home, and will still be recovering from the Super Tissue Collection event!

Super Bowl winner prediction: Well, if it can’t be the Colts (or the Bengals, my hometown team), I’ll be rooting for Baltimore or San Francisco.

Dream celebrity encounter: I would probably be too scared to talk to any celebrity who I admire, but would love to run into Robert Redford, Sarah McLachlan, Peyton Manning or Barack Obama.

Click here for more information about the Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center.


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