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Super Song: See Madonna's New Football-Themed Music Video

The Queen of Pop is now vying for another title: the Queen of Pigskin.

Has an odd, creepy-sensual ring to it, eh? Well, that’s Madonna: sexed up and ready to play. It’s no different in her new music video, for the single out today–”Give Me All your Luvin'”–that features New York rapper Nicki Minaj and Sri Lankan emcee M.I.A.

>> WATCH the full video here. And below is our “live” blogging of the clip:

0:14 – Fashion statement of the entire thing right there: Nicki Minaj’s Adidas cups on her top.

0:23 – Ooh, a matronly Madonna. Replete with stroller. We could … get used to this?

0:45 – So much for that: The minx-y Material Girl is back, clad in black getup and looking amazing at age 53.

0:55 – Yikes. Let’s hope Her Madgesty doesn’t have that same effect on Indy taxis. Not that, unlike Miss America, she needs one.

1:25 – Oh, lordy. Not sure about those moves, Ms. Ciccione, but love that you try.

1:32 – Flashback: This shot is straight out of Madonna’s hit film, Dick Tracy. Remember her starring turn as nightclub singer Breathless Mahoney? It’s like the villainous Flat Top is aiming that Tommy gun at her from a passing sedan.

1:35 – “You can be my lucky star…”  So self-referential! That’s all the rage these days, and nobody’s as raging as Madonna.

1:45 – Yeah! Why shouldn’t a toy baby be suckling from the Material Mama’s leopard-enshrouded breast? Everything is right about this random bit.

2:05 – Look! It’s Madonna and her henchwomen, Ms. Minaj, and Ms.I.A., dressed in lovely white straight out of The Immaculate Collection. That’s so throwback. Never mind that it drums up her infamous lip-locking with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

2:31 – Sychronized dance break among these three femmes fatale. Best part of this clip?

2:55 – Now that dark, grimy M.I.A. verse was very satisfying. M.I.A. > Minaj, as this track goes.

3:30 – That’s a lot of baseball bats (wrong sport?), but loving the “Are you ready for some football?!” vibe.

3:38 – What? That baby’s back? [Madonna tosses toy babe aside as video fades to black.] Of course. Leave it to her to toss the baby out and leave the bathwater. That’s our Madge: always ahead of the current.

>> YOUR TURN: What do you think of the song and the accompanying clip?


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