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The Race We Ran: Mini-Marathon 2013

SUMMER DAILY: I just have to get it off my chest that at the end of the race I wandered around in a complete daze taking multiple cookies from every person handing them out. I sincerely apologize if they ran out toward the end, and some people didn’t get a cookie.

JONATHAN SCOTT: I doubt that was possible, running out, but I’m sure they appreciate your concern. I just love how happy everyone is post-race, all thanks to those endorphins, a natural high.

VU LUONG: It was awesome that many runners were out in full Boston gear supporting victims of that tragedy.

JS: Truly beautiful. I saw the sign—or dozens of them. One favorite: “You can do it, total stranger!” Saw a few variations of that. Yesteryear’s “You Are All Kenyans!” was nowhere to be found. Oh well.

SD: If you live near downtown, you may think that riding your bike to the start line to avoid parking is a good idea. But at the end of the race, you will be kicking yourself … if your legs aren’t too weak to do that.

VL: Superheroes ran among the commoners. I saw Captain America, Mr. Incredible, Superman, and Batman all running the Mini. Who knew it was so popular among the heroes?

JS: I think my personal hero was the woman who pulled up lame on the IMS track. Her husband/companion helped her down onto the grass on the inside turn, and they kissed. Then she pushed him and said, “Keep going!” He ran on. Yeah, I started crying. Crying and running. I mean, seriously, it was touching. That’s the thing about distance running: With all the expectation and adrenaline, you end up doing it in this fairly emotional state.

SD: Listening to all of the fun local bands along the route is definitely enough reason for me to run the Mini again.

JS: Agreed. I also enjoyed the girl practicing her saxophone in a front yard while her friend held up her sheet music. Everything goes!

VL: Not sure if he had a cause or why, but I saw a runner going barefoot.

JS: I saw him, too, fleetingly. Then he blew by me. Man, he had barrel calves. Still, running barefoot? In Speedway? No thanks.

VL: Also great to see a father and son—I would guess no more then 10 years old—running the Mini. They even passed me on the final mile.

JS: Great to get water just after the mile-11 mark from Colts cheerleader Megan M., who shaved her head last year in solidarity with coach Chuck Pagano. Seeing her there, with her short-cropped ‘do now, was meaningful and kind of empowering to me in the moment. It was certainly a fun surprise.

SD: I ran the Disney Princess Half-Marathon in February, and despite being in the most magical place on earth, I had more fun at the Indy Mini. I love my city, and it makes me proud of the great events we host.

Here’s to the 2014 Mini on May 3! It’s just 362 days away.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
