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What We Know: The OneAmerica Signboard

Catching up with the team behind the iconic signboards that have boosted the city’s spirits since 1958.

GIG: Public Relations Team at OneAmerica SUPERPOWER: Pandemic pun-storming

Yes, we’re the company with the funny sign.

No, we’re not a bank, though we do handle financial services.

We’ve posted quips since 1958 about everything from the 1969 moon landing to getting a haircut.

No repeats. We track the messages in Excel spreadsheets.

Our first coronavirus-related message went up March 23: “Though farther apart, we’re all in this together.”

It’s a fine line writing jokes in the middle of a pandemic. Having a large marketing and communications team means we can bounce things off one another and hone a good suggestion into a great one.

There’s a new message every week, and it’s the same on both boards.

Well, was. When IMPD Officer Breann Leath died last month, we posted two different messages for the first time in our history.

We try to keep it lighthearted. Sixty characters isn’t a lot of space to convey a sophisticated message.

No profanity, politics, or religion.

If we can make somebody laugh, smile, or give an extra thought to folks on the front lines, we’ve done our job.

You can submit ideas on our website. We get jokes from across the country, though fewer have come in since the start of the pandemic.

You’ve only got 21 characters per line, so it’s harder than Twitter.

None of our coronavirus-related messages have been crowdsourced, but yours could be the first.

I don’t know if we’ll ever top “Luck Beat a Brady Tonight,” but we’ll try.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
