
Alex Kincaid

Pippa Mann
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Q&A: Pippa Mann on Being the Only Woman in the Indy 500

“The car can’t tell what color it’s painted, it can’t tell what color my helmet is, and it can’t tell what gender I am when I’m driving it,” says Mann. “I’m just one of the drivers in the race.”

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33 Artists Create “Welcome Race Fans” Signs

The Arts Council commissioned 33 artists to turn the usual signs into works of art. The artists were instructed not to focus on incorporating race imagery or colors, but on delivering the welcome message in their own style.

Riley Champions
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A Meeting of Champions at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Chloe wants to do all she can to help the kids currently staying at Riley, because she knows what it’s like to be stuck in a hospital bed, wishing she were someplace else.