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Casey Patrick

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Pro Tips for Mini Training from Matt Ebersole

Running the Mini this year? Prep starts now. Here, the owner of Personal Best Training shares his tips.

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Lofty Ambitions

Indy’s new climbing facility works your mind, then your muscles.

Andrea Jackson of Harvestland Farm, Anderson
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What It’s Like Growing More Than Produce

As part of Aspire Indiana, a mental-health center, Harvestland Farm where Andrea Jackson works as foreman hires those with a barrier to employment.

Peter Cook
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What It’s Like Wrangling Bison

The 500-head herd on this northeast-Indiana spread feeds on hay Peter Cook of Cook’s Bison Ranch raises himself.

Norman McCowan
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What It’s Like Fishing for a Living

Norman McCowan of Bell Farms wants to change how consumers view farm-raised seafood.

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Speed Read: Pete the Planner

Indy’s personal-finance guru on his new book series, his writing soundtrack, and why he’s called a chintzy tooth fairy.

default featured image
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Foraging Field Work

Before agriculture emerged, hunter-gatherers ruled the world. That foraging instinct is kicking in again with the modern-day push toward sustainability inviting us back to nature to love our yard enemies.“Weeds are just a term for plants that people don’t want where they are,” says Constance Ferry, a teacher and master gardener of organic herbs. “Foraging is seeing that all plants are useful.” Instead of cursing the curly dock in your sidewalk cracks, pull it u