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Derek Robertson

The beginning of the Indiana Pride Parade
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Indy Pride And Prejudice

On June 11, Indy Pride returns with its first in-person festival in two years. But a controversy involving the group and IMPD highlights how much the world has changed since 2019.

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Why Indiana’s GOP Can’t Be Trumped

If the Trump-era Republican Party experienced a public, messy identity crisis, somebody forgot to tell its Indiana chapter. Like it or not, they’re remarkably unified—and set up to continue an unprecedented electoral winning streak.

a man in a hat with his feet up playing the guitar
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Jim Irsay Is On The Road Again

Irsay’s massive and still-growing collection went on a nine-city, two-continent touring exhibition looking for a “public-private partnership” in establishing a home for his items.

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Is It End Game For The NCAA?

After endless complaints of arbitrary and unpredictable rule enforcement, economic unfairness, and lax oversight, the question of what it would take to topple the NCAA seems almost hopelessly quixotic.

A man smiling smugly
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Jim Gaffigan Is Still Standing After His Twitter Meltdown

The Chesterton native performs in Indy on November 19, the first show since the typically apolitical comedian had a Twitter meltdown about Trump.

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Half Baked: How A Would-Be Cannabis Empire Went Up In Smoke

Rebecca Raffle came to Indianapolis from Los Angeles with a story about building a cannabis empire. It was too good to be true.

Homefield Apparel
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Homefield Apparel, Big Brand On Campus

The local maker of retro college athleticwear has turned a knack for social media into a license to print money.

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Please, Please, Please Join My Podcast

Monthly Weekly host Derek Robertson pitches (editor’s note: begs) his dream guests on calling into the show.

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Indiana’s Hoops Obsession In Podcast Form

In 49 other states, it’s just basketball. In Indiana, it’s, well, a podcast. Many of them, actually, befitting the state’s hoops obsession.

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Can An Indy Startup Conquer Mental Health’s Final Frontier?

MindX Sciences says its blood test could revolutionize mental health treatment — if they can convince doctors and businesses to buy in.

default featured image
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How An Indiana College Democrat Blew Up Political Twitter

Every good joke has a kernel of truth.

Amy Coney Barrett
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The ABCs of ACB

Everything you need to know about Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court candidate and South Bend resident.

Memorial Stadium in Bloomington
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It’s OK That Big Ten Football Is Returning, Actually

Absent effective leadership, we’re forced to improvise through a deadly pandemic. Why should football be an exception?