
Jessie Fudge

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Us to a Tee: 54 Cool Indiana Shirts

New designs, classic favorites, and the shirt that’s big in the U.K. Here’s our Indiana-pride-shirt hall of fame.

Milktooth arepas
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Video Recipe: Arepas at Milktooth

Jonathan Brooks credits his playful palate to the 12 foreign exchange students his family hosted while he was growing up. Here, he imparts a hearty take on arepas, glorified flatbreads that were an ancient Venezuelan staple.

Jim Nabors
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First Person: I Stalked Jim Nabors

I raced after his golf cart, jumping through pedestrian traffic like it was a game of Frogger. I charged through the doors, but an imposing security guard turned me away as Jim entered the conference room.

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Farewell Tour: Jim Nabors's Indy 500 Parting Words

“I’m trying not to be too emotional, or I’ll gargle the song,” Nabors said.

Jim Nabors Indy 500 2013
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Golly! Jim Nabors Gets Personal in This Exit Interview

Since the first time Nabors faced an Indianapolis 500 crowd in 1972 and crooned the lyrics from notes scribbled hurriedly on his hand, we have embraced the Southern-bred baritone as one of our own.

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Ball State Students Visit Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Site on Germany Trip

The Slaughterhouse-Five building inspired the title of what is arguably Kurt Vonnegut’s most famous work. In 1945, he was in its basement when the Allies rained bombs down on Dresden in World War II.

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Meet the Maker: Ashten Houpt of Get Flasky

Meet the cool young visionary whose job it is to get you plastered—in style.

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What's New About Gay-Marriage Bill HJR-3

New is companion bill HB 1153, which seeks to explain some vague language and make it more coherent for Hoosiers if the resolution reaches voters in November.