
Kevin Kryah

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Colt Following: Four Memorable NFL Encounters

Besides Peyton Manning’s press conference announcing he was leaving the Colts, the only other televised event that ever preempted one of my high-school classes was Barack Obama’s first inauguration speech.

Uncharted Homelessness Documentary Film
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Local Film on Homelessness Finds Shelter at the IMA

For first-time filmmakers Adam Oppenheim and Sam Mirpoorian, the inspiration for their documentary on homelessness in Indianapolis came from a local news report.

A painting promoting the IRT
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Kyle Ragsdale Paints the IRT's New Season

The Indiana Repertory Theatre hired him to create an original work for each of its nine plays in 2014-2015, and his style couldn’t be more appropriate: “I tend to paint dramatic, mysterious paintings anyway.”