
Nate Miller

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Explaining To Your Kids: Lance Stephenson

 As parents, we have trouble explaining life’s more complicated issues to our kids. Sometimes it’s astronomy. Other times it’s FISA warrants or the infield fly rule or the many plot holes in Blade II. Today it’s Lance Stephenson. The Dadball Era is here to help when the kids come a’questionin’. Because they certainly will. Who […]

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On The Road With The Dadball Era

There are battles to be fought everywhere—in all directions, inside and out, at all times—during a 14-hour car ride to the Florida Gulf Coast with three bickering kids in the backseat and a pregnant wife in the front and 9,000,000 other Midwestern motorists screaming south down I-65 in unison, in a frenzied, cabin-fevered hell-pack. The family […]

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Putting The "Fun!" In "Your March Madness Bracket Is Fundamentally Flawed And Will Not Win"

Bland picks are The Big Bang Theory of March Madness, and I have no use for them anymore.

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The DadBall Era: Ay-Yi-Yi-Pad

People my age still bear the scars of telephoning friends and girlfriends on landlines, to their homes, where their dads could answer and sternly #DadSplain to you that calling at this hour is rude and unacceptable.

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The DadBall Era: Gather ‘Round The Qdoba, Kids

As we grow older, our individual parenting styles become—whether we want them to or not—our parents’ styles. This can be good or bad, depending on your own circumstances, but mainly it just is. If your mom stressed Bible-learning and puritanism, then you will too at some point, even if you spent your 20s and 30s […]

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The DadBall Era: Paul Georges Don’t Grow On Trees

If Paul George were to get traded today or if he is simply allowed to up and leave at some point hereafter, his Pacers tombstone would be brutally plain and to-the-point, if Sports Radio Guy had his way: 2010–2017 Paul George was, by some accounts, a superstar in the NBA. He was breathtakingly talented on some […]

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Mucking Out The Minivan Is Torture

Last week, the lease on our trusty old minivan was coming to an end. Not being a heartless derelict, I wanted to spruce up the old gal for her final days before turning her back in. Give her a makeover and make her feel somewhat pretty again. It was the least I could do, really. […]

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The Dadball Guide to Super Bowl Parties

Sure, Super Bowl Sunday stands as a slovenly day of decadence and bad decision-making—but that doesn’t mean we have to be uncouth about it.

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Introducing The Dadball Workout

“Since I’ve started my 5:30 a.m. trips to the gym, the effects have been profound. Not necessarily on my fat man-boobs (yet!) but rather on my mental health.”

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The DadBall Era: It’s a Shocker, Folks

I’ll be that dad we all knew growing up, that guy who may as well have been our friend’s grandpa visiting from Tucson, more titanium than bone … more Kohl’s denim than man.

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The DadBall Era: No Surprise, Butler Does It Again (and Again, and Again)

Bow down, Hoosier fans. National powerhouse Butler has THE Indiana basketball program.

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The DadBall Era: Goodbye 2016

The year 2016 in America was a crushing, 12-month family road trip in our cramped Buick LeSabre with no air conditioning and plenty of stench. We drove to the sun and back.

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The DadBall Era: Death Of Christmas Newsletters

“So when you see my Christmas card and I see yours—and when some poor bastard has to slog through Aunt Gertie’s thousand-page newsletter—we can all nod and wink at each other and know that we’re seeing a picture, but not the whole picture.”

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The DadBall Era: Don’t Call Me Big Papa

“Hello there, ma’am. I’m Nate. These are my children: Mötley, Beowulf, and Metallica’s Master of Puppets Album. We’re here for the birthday pizza party and– BEOWULF NO! PULL YOUR PANTS UP.”

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The DadBall Era: Confessions Of A Free-Range Sports Parent

I’m a free-range sports parent, I’m not sorry.