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Sam Stall

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Raw Deal

Jackson P., Indianapolis

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Roll in the Hay

Jake S., Martinsville

The Hoosierist June 2011
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Can You Dig It?

Bobby T., Beech Grove

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High Hopes

A: The Hoosierist is amazed that the legislature, so busy concocting a constitutional ban on gay marriage and new ways to hound undocumented aliens—that is, when they got together at all—found time this year to consider an overhaul of the state’s pot laws. Thank Indiana state senator Karen Tallian (D-Portage) for the effort. Since state lawmakers are in a cost-cutting mood this year, Tallian floated the idea of reviewing Indiana’s weed laws, which are both strict and expensive to enforce. Among other things, you can get a year in jail and a $5,000 fine for possession of a measly 30 grams of grass. The Hoosierist is pretty sure he could scrounge up that much in the pockets of the Army surplus jacket he wore in college.

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Tunnel Vision

Q: With all its second-story pedestrian walkways, downtown must by now be the gerbil-tube capital of the Midwest. How far could a person walk without having to step outside? Christopher W., Indianapolis

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Troubled Waters

Q: How dirty is White River, really? Is it “don’t get any in your mouth” dirty or “don’t stick your hand in it without getting a tetanus shot” dirty? Jeremiah P., Brownsburg