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Todd Tobias

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Almost Infamous

Editor’s Note, June 29, 2012: The profile below of professional boxer Reggie Strickland was penned in December 2000 by Todd Tobias, who passed away this week. We offer this standout story as a tribute to a great writer.

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A Hair to Remember

I guess you could say that when it comes to my outward appearance, I’ve resigned myself to acceptance. Acceptance and a redefinition of personal heroes. David Foster Wallace has been replaced by David Crosby, Bruce Springsteen with Bruce Willis. Robert DeNiro? Yes, I’m talking to you. Take a hike. Robert Duvall is the new method man in my heart. You too, Captain Kirk. Off to Deep Space Nine; Captain Picard gives the orders around here now. They’re brilliant men all. For they wear their baldness with swagger and style. I only wonder what clipper number they use.

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Viewpoint: Peyton Manning

There are modest solutions being posited: Grant Hill, with his self-reflexive, “Image is Nothing,” advertising campaign and Tiger Woods’ Golf 101 spots. Are players today role models if they comment on the marketing spin while they are in the process of spinning?