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Circle City

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Spotted: John McEnroe Wins Tennis Event, Celebrates at Indy Bar

The tennis legend put on a show, faring far better in the same arena than his favorite Knicks do this season against the Pacers. He defeated two fellow former stars and went out downtown.

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Champions Tennis Tour Hits Fieldhouse

Says Jim Courier of castmates John McEnroe, Mark Philippoussis, and Ivan Lendl, “It’s Valentine’s Day, and you’ve got to be with the one you love. I’m going to be with Johnny Mac and Phlip, and Lendl.”

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Indiana Gay-Marriage Ban Is a No-Go in 2014

A question remains: Is Freedom Indiana here to stay? “What I am willing to say is that we are certainly in a good position with HJR-3,” says campaign manager Megan Robertson. “Hopefully this is the last we hear of it, but if it’s not, then we will be back to fight it.”

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New Group of Young Hoosiers Supports HJR-3

“We came together to show the legislature that there are young people who believe in traditional marriage,” says Chris Knight, a student. “Other groups like Freedom Indiana have tried to push to the media that young people are on their side.”

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Bieber-Themed Art Nearly Lands at IND

Says Tre Reising of his piece passed on by airport officials, “My ultimate goal was that it would become an Instagram-framed–ready piece that would fit well into the cropping of Instagram and become traded and shared as a meme.”

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State Senator: Younger Generation Doesn't See Need for HJR-3

“We either have to look to the past or to the future,” Sen. Lanane says. “I just don’t think that this is a proposal that the younger generation sees as a need. If we are thinking in terms of what is best for the future of our state, we won’t do this.”

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NCAA Announces Opposition to HJR-3

The news came on the cleated heels of a disclosure by Michael Sam, a college football star, about his sexuality.

Robert Indiana
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Robert Indiana: No Love Lost

It’s a safe bet the pop artist won’t attend the show, but here you can preview some of Robert Indiana’s pieces appearing at the IMA, including some prints exclusive to us.

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The Hoosierist: On This Day in History, Feb. 10

Finally a new constitution—the same one we have now, minus a slew of wacky amendments (I’m looking at you HJR-3)—was hammered out.

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Artist Q&A: Blake Little's Gay-Rodeo Photos at Eiteljorg

Says the artist, “If my pictures have a message, it’s an organic message. It’s not like I set out to improve rights for LGBT people.”

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Sankofa Event Celebrates Black History Month

Since their first appearance at the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Krash Krew has worked with and appeared with recording artists such as Kirk Franklin.

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The Hoosierist: The Big Cover-Up

What’s with all the manhole covers here? Seriously, I’ve never been to another city with such an abundance.

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Photos: Eiteljorg Opens Gay Rodeo Exhibit

Jim Wilke, a former rider in the International Gay Rodeos, is featured in the exhibit, and spoke at the museum about openly gay life in the American West.

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Video: Local Skier Nick Goepper on The Late Show with David Letterman

The two-time X Games gold-medal winner claimed his second in slopestyle skiing over the weekend. He’ll also compete in Sochi at the Olympics next month.

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HJR-3 Passes House After Removal of Messy Language

Those who wish to see the already-standing definition of marriage added to the Indiana Constitution seem to know that it might be now or never.