Video: Sasheer Zamata’s Funniest Moments
Watch these pieces that Zamata has written and performed, and tell us she’s not the next Tina Fey.
By decisively winning the 1926 Gold and Glory Sweepstakes, Charlie Wiggins, a humble mechanic from Indy’s south side, earned the nickname “The Negro Speed King”—almost 65 years before Willie T. Ribbs would become the first black driver to qualify for the Indianapolis 500.
Dickinson Custom Furniture & Kitchenware Indiana cutting board$56. Homespun: Modern Handmade 869 Massachusetts Ave., 317-351-0280, Kurt Vonnegut finger puppet$6. Kurt Vonnegut Library Gift Store 340 N. Senate Ave., 652-1954, Hoosier Momma Bloody Mary Maker$5.99 to $9.99. Sold at Marsh, Meijer, Kroger, and other locations, Studio Indiana fine-art photography books and prints $22 and […]