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Unspoken Rules of Dig IN

» If you tried every dish, you’d consume seven pounds of food.

» That’s too much. Balance proteins and veggies.

» On this day only, it’s okay to eat a brownie before a Kobe burger.

» Must-visit: Gunthorp Farms and Joseph Decuis.

» Hold onto your fork unless you’re okay with a giant carbon footprint.

» Water can be hard to come by. Buy an extra bottle.

» This is hands-free territory. No clutch purses.

» Instagrammers, clean your camera-phone lenses.

Have you been to Dig IN? We’re looking for your Unspoken Rules! Share with us in the comments or on social media.

Visit DigIN.com for ticket information and details on participating restaurants and chefs.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
