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The Right Scruff: Best Beards in the Indy Beer Scene

Josh Hambright
Head brewer, Central State Brewing (opening in 2015)
“My beard is a little unruly. I’ve been told that I look like Rasputin. And I kind of needed to learn how to eat again after growing it. Barbecue sauce, anything syrupy—those are tricky. My mom hates it. She says it makes me look like my dad.”
Jon Clampitt
Assistant brewer, Sun King Brewing
“People—women and men—walk up to me and touch my beard. Without asking. It happens a lot. There’s a lot of beard envy out there. Among guys who have one, there’s an unspoken code. We lock eyes, then give a little nod. Nothing needs to be said.”
Alan Simons
Head brewer, Oaken Barrel Brewing
“Sure, it’s a little bushy, kind of out of control, and getting whiter by the day. And I’ve learned to be careful—I got my beard caught in a fermentation-tank hatch and had to yank it out, which hurt. But it looks really cool if you’re riding a motorcycle.”
Bradley Zimmerman
Head brewer, Tow Yard Brewing
“Mine is mostly due to laziness. I don’t know if it makes me a better brewer—I’ve never been on the other side. But the ladies love it.”
Eilise Lane
Head brewer, Scarlet Lane Brewing
“It’s a work in progress. On the plus side, I’m taken more seriously by my peers. But my husband’s not a big fan.”
Steve Ruby
Co-head brewer, Black Acre Brewing
“You have to stick out the really awkward phase—you know, the one where you look like someone on an offender registry. I couldn’t grow enough hair on my head, so I had to put it on my face.”


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
