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State Rep. Vanessa Summers On A Contentious Statehouse And Her Battle With COVID-19

The long-serving Indiana Democrat describes her clash with GOP colleagues amid an increasingly hyper-partisan political climate.

Indiana State Representative Vanessa Summers succeeded her father to represent the 99th District three full decades ago in 1991, and she’s seen more than her share of partisan rancor — but nothing like what happened last month, when GOP members booed Black lawmakers speaking about discrimination during a session of the General Assembly. The heated climate nearly led to a physical confrontation between Republican Rep. Sean Eberhart and Summers, who recently spent more than a week in an intensive care unit for COVID-19. Amid such a tense political climate, Summers joined the podcast to talk about what happened during that debate over House Bill 1367, her struggle with COVID, and how this political moment is unlike any she’s seen in her lifetime.

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