
art fairs

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The Hoosierist: How Safe Are Our Bike Lanes?

It depends on what you mean by “safe.”

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The New Indy Must-Do List: Attend These Events

Eleven parties, festivals, and games you won’t want to miss in 2014.

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Shopportunity: Two Weekend Events Off the Beaten Path

Psst! Here’s the scoop on a pair of hot sales this weekend that you may not have heard about: high-end homethings at Carmel’s Indiana Design Center and a pop-up art fair in Irvington.

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Front & Center: Talbot Street's Fair Game

Talbot (June 8–9) continues to lure new artists, but sometimes making a truly fresh discovery means looking beyond its rows. And you don’t have to go far: All around the Herron-Morton Place neighborhood, complementary events are cropping up that, to the average participant, must look like an extension of Talbot.