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Bart Peterson

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The Name of the Game: Forrest Lucas

What $122 million in naming rights buys you.

David Harris The Mind Trust
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The Mind Trust’s Long Road to School Revolution

A local nonprofit has made Indy a national model for education reform—gaining unprecedented power along the way. But behind every success the group’s approach has helped fund lies a debate: Should outside parties have this much influence on public schools?

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Shoptalk: Amy Peterson’s Decorate

Mass Ave’s new store Decorate packs four exposed-brick rooms with slimmed-down pieces, nothing oversized and blocky.

The Beat
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Will Ballard’s Cycling Agenda Leave Office When He Does?

“Coming into office, I knew we were way behind many other cities,” Ballard says.

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A Night at the Red Key

“As all of us change, this place stays the same. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to get in here. And one of the first times I bartended, my grandfather was sitting at the end of the bar watching everything I did. Which was intimidating. I just wish he could see me back there now.”

Lucas Oil illustration
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When We Build It, Will They Come?

The Indianapolis Colts, a winning team on the field, would not be financially viable in the modern NFL if they had to spend another two decades in the Hoosier Dome.