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Brian Bosma

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Brian Bosma’s Last Hurrah

Bosma, the longest-serving House Speaker in Indiana history, steps down from that role when the legislative session draws to a close this month.

Illustration of a cyclist riding on a trail that also looks like a crane.
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Collision Course

Why mountain-bikers and environmentalists are on a collision course at Fort Harrison State Park.

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Culture Warriors: LGBT Battlefield

“RFRA was embarrassing, but Pence hasn’t won elections by championing LGBT causes. And he still wields the veto pen, which is mighty indeed.”

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HJR-3 Passes House After Removal of Messy Language

Those who wish to see the already-standing definition of marriage added to the Indiana Constitution seem to know that it might be now or never.

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Hot-Button Issues: Down on the Farm

The Hoosier livestock industry makes more than $2.5 billion a year and “has seen growth in almost every livestock sector.” But for a group that’s doing so well, animal-farmers sure seem defensive.

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Photo of the Day: HJR-3 Foes See Red

Also: The IMA’s recently wed director, Charles Venable, announced his organization’s opposition this week to the proposed gay-marriage ban.

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Hot-Button Issues: Big Fat Gay Marriage Debate

The measure must win simple majorities in both Statehouse chambers again this year before the question is popped to Hoosier voters. Let the pots and pans fly.