
Butler Arts Center

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Quick Q&A: Neil deGrasse Tyson

“I’m not the total a-hole that people think I am.”

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Quick Q&A: Joel Hodgson

A quick chat with Mr. Big McLargeHuge

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Q&A With A Book Of Mormon Star

“I’ve seen a dad try to cover his daughter’s eyes and ears because he didn’t know what he had brought her to.”

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Lugar Honored On 50th Anniversary Of Mayoral Election

“Before the program even began, the crowd delivered each a standing ovation, awed by two statesmen who eschewed speaking in soundbites in favor of fully formed U.N. draft resolutions.”

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Ahead Of Civility Lecture, Lugar Critical Of Trump

Let’s hope the lecture is more civil than the comments in the event’s promotional Facebook post.

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Quick Q&A with Mike Birbiglia

“When I met John Green on the set of the movie, I really felt like he was a kindred spirit.”

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Theater Review: Chamber Music

An insane asylum with eight iconic women? Chamber Music certainly has its quirks.