
Clay Robinson

Two men stand before brewing vats.
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A Decade Of Sun King: The Quiz

A Sun King quiz? We’ll drink to that.

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Oca To Open At Sun King Brewing This Week

Meat and beer: a perfect marriage.

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The Indiana Beard Hall of Fame

Grow your ode to the bearded state! As Fishers shop Vardagen reminded us with “The Bearded State” tee, we’ve compiled our Indiana Beard Hall of Fame.

default featured image
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Street Savvy: Georgia Street

Since its Super Bowl upgrade, Georgia Street in the heart of Indianapolis, has blossomed into an entertainment zone. Take an interactive tour mapping out the hot spots of the boardwalk.

Black Market patrons give up a little elbow room to enjoy one of the city
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May I Suggest: Local Celebrity Lunches

Indy’s movers and shakers dished on where they prefer to go for their midday meal.

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The Replay: Tom Brady, Sun King, and Notre Dame

Tom Brady becomes a meme.

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Drinktionary: The Meaning of Slacktivist

Sun King Brewery and Three Floyds release their third collaboration brew, Slacktivist.

Photo by Tony Valainis
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Hot Neighborhoods: Holy Cross

While it doesn’t yet rival the likes of Fletcher Place, Holy Cross may soon be pushing boundaries—quite literally.

September 2014
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Trickle-Down Economics: A Local-Brewers Family Tree

Central Indiana’s first craft-beer wave broke a couple of decades ago. Though several of those breweries didn’t survive to witness today’s larger flood of openings, their brewers—and their stuff, and their legacies—are still floating around.

State Fair Beer and Wine
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Indiana State Fair Barrels Forward with Beer

The ultimate taste test may come soon at the State Fair. Though only Indiana breweries and wineries have been invited to participate this year, Carmichael would like to add the much-larger brands.

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Empire of the Sun Kings

Being one of the “it” guys does have its downside. Haters, says Robinson, want to hate. “I’ve stood next to people—who didn’t know who I was—while they talked shit about my beer,” he says.

Sunlight Cream Ale
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Taste Test: IM Drinks Sun King on the Job

Reading Michael Rubino’s Sun King feature in the October issue made us thirsty—so we took our growlers to the brewery and got fill-ups of all the current offerings. And we asked Dave Colt, Sun King’s head brewer, to lead the tasting.