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Makeshift Race Weekend

Is it still Race Weekend without the Race? Yep.

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Getting There

There’s no Dr. Spock instructional book for this particular stretch of parenting.

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The N-95 Mask Half Full

Is this pandemic also the “best of times?” No, of course not. This is awful and only a delusional monster would say otherwise.

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It’s All Sinking In Now

Last week we didn’t have time to think about this mess we’re in. This week is different.

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The Yesterdays Of Tomorrow

Yesterday was Mardi Gras, Cinco de Mayo, Carb Day, Race Day, Opening Day of MLB, the 4th of July, and the first-day-of-summer-as-a-sixth-grader all rolled into one—except a billion times BETTER. And sunnier. And giddier.

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Dispatch From Florida

“So naturally, when asked to share my thoughts on our current COVID-19 quarantine situation, why wouldn’t a comparison to a hundred-year-old column on post-war Paris be my go-to?”

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Focusing On The Good

You got us feelin’ alright

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Restaurant Connections

As we’re all hunkered down during these crazy times, I’ve been trying to think of ways to promote local restaurants.

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Welcome To Quarantine

So what are we doing here in this isolated, board-game-storage closet of the site? I’m not sure, exactly.

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The Dadball Era: Apolitical Pandemics & Our New Normal

The coronavirus is the ultimate independent voter.

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The Dadball Era: Where’s Our Whataburger?

The quest for Indy’s most DadBall chain restaurant.

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The Dadball Era: Science Fairs And The Nadir Of Life

Hypothesis: Most parents will survive Science Fair Week, but none will prosper.

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The Dadball Era: Indy, We Have A Problem

The rocketship is no more.

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The DadBall Era: Birthdays Of The Doomed

The question is this: when is the BEST time of the year for a birthday?

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The DadBall Era: Stupid AirPod$!

“Their disappearance is inevitable. And nobody is coming along to snap my money back into existence, either.”