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Heaven Can Wait — At Least Until My Retirement Runs Out

I have a few things I want to do before I die. When, exactly, that happens is a dispute between my financial planner and the Internet.

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Burying My Father During Quarantine

“I’d never give much thought to navigating grief in the middle of a pandemic. Why would I?”

Susan Cox illustration
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Susan Cox Is No Longer Here

The blinds were drawn. A feeling of certainty fell peacefully over the room, and with it, relief. Karen leaned over the bed, over Bethany and Susan, and began to pray. All three of them so close together, waiting.

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Dear Kate: Living with Grief

Ten years have passed since I last brushed Kate’s hair from her cheek. I’m not the same person I was then, and I know now I never will be. But I do the best I can with the life I have now.

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Kate’s Story—A Mother’s Grief

One year after the tragic death of her daughter, Nancy Comiskey reflects on Kate and their lives together.

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Trials & Tribulations: The Path to Justice for My Daughter’s Killer

This was his 10th conviction. We left the justice center believing we could close the door on the criminal case. But a few years later, he walked out of prison a free man and moved 18 miles from our Brown County home. And he got a driver’s license.

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Editor's Note, November 2014: Top Doctors

With brutal, naked honesty, Nancy Comiskey opens a window into what grieving for one’s child is like: the yearning, the desperate need to keep the memory alive, the slow healing.

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Memorial Service on Circle Lends Perspective to Weekend Partying

The ceremony was particularly close to the heart of one attendee, Indianapolis native Cammie Doyle. Her brother, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Jeremy Doyle, died in 2005 while deployed in Iraq.

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Phil Gulley: Grave Expectations

We’ve forgotten how to die in this country. Death with dignity? Fuhgeddaboudit. Not so long as there are fortunes to be made in keeping us alive.

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Our Top 10 Stories of 2013

Including one of Indiana’s biggest cons, a complicated woman in her final days, a reality-TV hilljack, the crafty governor-elect, a big-deal farmer, the coupling of an actress and a corn-fed rocker, and more.

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Last Call: Thoughts on Losing a Friend

Mary was critically ill, and although she had implored her family not to worry me, they decided I needed to know. All I wanted was to climb in bed beside her, lay my head on her shoulder, and cry, but I didn’t.

A young couple with their two babies, their address marker and a painting
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What’s Left of Richmond Hill

Some residents were relatively unscathed; others saw practically all of their belongings destroyed. Today, the items salvaged by these southside neighbors mean more to them than ever.

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The Collapse

“My daughter is hurt!” the mother yelled, desperate. A stranger appeared and made a tourniquet for the girl, and then a woman who said she was a nurse and a man who said he was a doctor carried her away. Trust us, they said.