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Deborah Paul

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Indianapolis Monthly A 2018 CRMA Finalist

It’s kind of like our Oscars—without the red carpet. Or the designer fashions. Or the statues.

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Reactions To Deborah Paul’s Final Column

“As always, I turned first to the back page to read Deborah Paul’s column. After seeing the title, I knew.”

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Ask Me Anything: Deborah Paul

“I hope I don’t wind up wandering the streets. Or writing long-winded emails to my friends.”

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Deborah Paul Calls It A Career

Indianapolis Monthly owes its existence to Deborah Paul.

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Sore Loser: Deborah Paul On Opioid Dependency

When I read about the opioid crisis, I wonder why my plight goes unreported.

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Meow Or Never: Deborah Paul On Cat Adoption

In her later years, my mother hung two dog portraits on her wall, of a Scottie and a Westie. Looking at these one-dimensional creatures was as close to having pets in her home as she could get. Actually, Wire Fox Terriers were her favorites—those cheeks!—but whenever we, her children, suggested she get an actual dog, […]

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Drifting Backward: Deborah Paul On Bigotry

Now, virulent hate speech and frightening ideology called “alt right” or “white nationalism” are infiltrating the mainstream. Swastikas appear as graffiti, Holocaust deniers court the media, and bomb threats on Jewish community centers are commonplace.

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Fight Club: Deborah Paul On Polarization

I do not like confrontation and believe men’s brains are better wired for war than women’s. However, I am as guilty as the next guy of perpetrating bad karma.

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Wit’s End: Deborah Paul On Common Sense

How is it even remotely possible that a man who heard voices in his head telling him to kill, and visited jihadist chat rooms, was not only permitted to own a 9 mm handgun but was allowed to check it—as well as ammunition—on a plane to Fort Lauderdale?

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Borrowed Time: Moments I Remember Before My 70th Birthday

Ten people, three generations, at a Thanksgiving table. “Look at what we did,” says my husband.

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Personal Foul: One-On-One With Bob Knight

“When did the sport coat give way to the sweater?” I asked. “Why did Bobby become Bob?” Questions hardly so nervy as to provoke the explosion that followed.

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Puppy Love: Deborah Paul On Dogs

This puppy love of mine is new. I’ve always been a cat person, eschewing canines for lacking the dignity, elegance, and artful composure of their feline counterparts.

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Shot in the Dark: Deborah Paul on Guns

He suddenly vaulted from his desk chair to retrieve his open briefcase, which, he explained later, held a loaded gun. What if he hadn’t? What if our kids had discovered the weapon and thought it a plaything? What if?

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Move Over: Deborah Paul on Staying Put

Our current house is no mansion, but it’s more than we need.

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Two Wrongs: Deborah Paul on Voting

I am a woman, I like women, and I wish I could support you. But I can’t.