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Dr. Larry Einhorn

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The Checkups: Indy Health News About Memory, Hearts & More

Some patients are bypassing the bypass anymore.

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Lance Armstrong's Ex-Teammate Calls on IU Health Personnel to Corroborate 1996 Doping Confession

Former Lance Armstrong teammate Frankie Andreu tells IM that Dr. Larry Einhorn, esteemed oncologist with the IU School of Medicine and Lance Armstrong Foundation, was not present in the Indianapolis hospital room where Armstrong allegedly admitted to doping in 1996. But he wants to know the identities of the people who were.

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46 Super Reasons to Love Indy

I. The Vonneguts were here (and still are). The new Kurt Vonnegut mural along Mass Ave has made the likeness of Indy’s most famous author a permanent fixture of the cityscape. And the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, opened in 2011, allows visitors to lay fingers on the very typewriter keys the giant once tapped (and […]