
Ed DeLaney

Jim Buck
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The Matchbreaker: How to Lawyer a High-Dollar Divorce

“That was trial by ambush,” says Buck. “Sure, go ahead and bring in the assistant pro from the golf course, who was doing the wife in the sand traps. Just bring him in. It was all part of the game.”

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Under the Gun: Do Convenience-Store Clerks Need More Protection?

“We take security very seriously,” says Jay Ricker of Anderson-based Ricker Oil Co.

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Hot-Button Issues: Affordable Care Attack

In Indiana, the fight against Obamacare still has a pulse.

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Hot-Button Issues: Under the Bus

Since boosters first kicked the tires on the idea of upgrading public transportation in 2008, efforts to get the General Assembly to approve a funding referendum have proceeded in starts and stops.

LGBT politics
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Out on the Trail: Zach Adamson's Rise in Indy Politics

“Zach is the model of a modern LGBT candidate,” says one political observer. “He has done it all on his own. He didn’t wait for the party boss to tell him it was okay.”