
Feature Stories

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The Comprehensive Guide to Indy’s Best Takeout

Anything you want, you got it.

Of the many video series shot in Green
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John Green Finally Goes To The Movies!

Whatever happens next, fans of Green’s video blogs, YouTube channels, Tumblr accounts, Facebook pages, and Twitter feeds can be sure of one thing: He will keep us posted.

Grand Canyon stock photo plus quote from Chris Carlson
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Granddad Gone Bad

Chris Carlson left Indianapolis with his three grandsons for a male-bonding adventure in the Grand Canyon. Then he went to prison.

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Getting Ripped: Tracy Anderson

Anderson says she wants to focus on the future, one that now looks glamorous. But her liabilities, brought on by years of financial missteps, keep her tethered to the past—and to Central Indiana.

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A Lot To Lose

With a catchy slogan and a strong work ethic, Rich Burd built one of the city’s largest car dealerships. But after the economy wrecked the auto industry, Rich felt he had only one way to turn.

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IM Crime Files: In the Name of the Father

“We are all defined by our fathers,” says Bishop T. Garrett Benjamin of Mmoja Ajabu. “Everything we do in life is either in honor of, or in reaction to them.”

long con opener
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The Long Con

Phil Ferguson pulled off one of the biggest frauds in Indiana history, duping clients out of millions of dollars and staying one step ahead of the law.

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Celebrity Profiler: Tom Chiarella, in His Own Words

This guy gets paıd to hang out with the Sexiest Woman Alive. James Bond. Don Draper.

Guy David Gundlach was a dutiful son to Marge Swift, but he will be best remembered for his star turn as the man who left millions to his recession-stricken hometown of Elkhart, Indiana.
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Selfless Portrait: Man Leaves $150M to City of Elkhart

David Gundlach died suddenly and left his fortune to the struggling Indiana town. But three years after Gundlach’s death, the picture of Elkhart’s mystery benefactor remains just a sketch.

matt white blink of an eye
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The Blink of an Eye

Matt White—track star, sharp salesman, skilled golfer—has had almost everything taken away by ALS. He’s one of the luckiest guys you’ll ever meet. Just ask him.

Susan Cox illustration
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Susan Cox Is No Longer Here

The blinds were drawn. A feeling of certainty fell peacefully over the room, and with it, relief. Karen leaned over the bed, over Bethany and Susan, and began to pray. All three of them so close together, waiting.

William Buttars opener
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The Boy with Half a Brain

In order to save their baby’s life, they had to risk it.

Kristine Bunch won freedom in 2012.
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When Will Kristine Bunch Be Free?

After one son died in a house fire, Kristine Bunch of Greensburg did 16 years for murder and arson while separated from her other child. Eventually she won a grueling fight for freedom and a chance to be a mother again. But some things, she discovered, were lost forever.

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Mean Streets

My old neighborhood used to be a nice little place to live. But since I moved back, rampant crime has made it a desperate, dangerous wasteland. It just took a botched burglary at a friend’s house for me to wake up and see it.

Kelley Round Barn
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Indiana Instagram Barn Gazing

Set your filter to “Willow.” Visit these rustic photogenic landmarks on your next Indiana roadtrip.