
Feature Stories

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Hot-Button Issues: Affordable Care Attack

In Indiana, the fight against Obamacare still has a pulse.

Robert Indiana
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Robert Indiana: No Love Lost

It’s a safe bet the pop artist won’t attend the show, but here you can preview some of Robert Indiana’s pieces appearing at the IMA, including some prints exclusive to us.

Frittle Candy, The New Indy Must-Do List
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The New Indy Must-Do List: Eat This

So you’ve munched on corn at the Indiana State Fair and had your mouth set afire by a certain shrimp-cocktail sauce. But what are the modern-day rites of passage? We have answers.

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Hot-Button Issues: Paying To Play

Virtually no city official wants to lose a pro franchise on his or her watch—especially with a bid to host another Super Bowl in 2018 still in play.

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Hot-Button Issues: The Straight Dope

Indianapolis is drawing heroin straight from Mexico and bypassing Chicago altogether—which might account for the high potency.

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Hot-Button Issues: Ritz vs. Board of Education

Upon being sworn in last January, Indiana educator-in-chief Glenda Ritz braced for a fight. Who could blame her?

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Hot-Button Issues: Cop Out

Councillor John Barth proposed a bipartisan study to help determine how many officers Indy really requires, so the Council can work on a long-term plan. “We need to take politics out of policing,” he says.

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Hot-Button Issues: Under the Bus

Since boosters first kicked the tires on the idea of upgrading public transportation in 2008, efforts to get the General Assembly to approve a funding referendum have proceeded in starts and stops.

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Hot-Button Issues: Down on the Farm

The Hoosier livestock industry makes more than $2.5 billion a year and “has seen growth in almost every livestock sector.” But for a group that’s doing so well, animal-farmers sure seem defensive.

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Hot-Button Issues: Big Court Cases & Political Races

Crusader of the Year: U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett. No one made more big cases in the past year—and his savvy press people made sure we all heard about the exploits. The crime-fighter still has plenty of fish to fry.

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For Better or Worse: Micah Clark on Gay Marriage

He worries that the controversy has gotten to the point where he and like-minded supporters of a ban are considered “bigots.”

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Hot-Button Issues: Big Fat Gay Marriage Debate

The measure must win simple majorities in both Statehouse chambers again this year before the question is popped to Hoosier voters. Let the pots and pans fly.

Glenda Ritz
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Doing Their Homework: The Untold Story Behind 2013's Biggest Local Scandal

As AP reporter Tom LoBianco churned out hit after hit, politicos quietly talked about how he was able to get so much dirt on Tony Bennett. But the blogosphere erupted with more pointed talk of foul play by the Glenda Ritz administration.

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Indianapolis: Crime in 2013

Numbers don’t tell the whole story. Facts on the ground make us fear that crime is simply running amok, particularly in some of the city’s destination neighborhoods and at showcase attractions.

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The Undercover Files: Vice

“The guys around here are looking for trashy. I wear old, worn-out pants—I’ll even rub them around in the dirt. I’ll smudge my makeup, or maybe ruin my manicure. The idea is to look hard-luck, not sexy.”