
Fermenti Artisan

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March Madness? Try Munch Madness!

LocalFolks’s farmstead-inspired salsa lets the bright flavors of bell pepper and cider vinegar shine through so you won’t overheat when the game goes into overtime.

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Foodie: Mark Cox of Fermenti Artisan

Now an energetic 37-year-old with bright eyes and radiant skin, he acknowledges he didn’t always care about wellness. He was not raised in a pickling family: He grew up eating processed commercial foods, and then waited tables at steakhouse and seafood chains. “I was five pant sizes bigger, suffered from attention deficit disorder, and didn’t have any energy,” he says. In 2006, through the studies of a turn-of-the-century researcher named Weston A. Price, Cox and Henson discovered that wellness begins with a healthy gut. Cox believes that today’s overprocessed food system takes out important bacteria our bodies need. “I immediately woke up and began my own preventative maintenance, and lacto-fermentation was the missing link in my life.” 

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Swoon List: 5 Things We Adore Right Now

Italian Spaghetti Ice Cream at the Indiana State Fair, one of this year’s buzzed-about newcomers. With a flavor reminiscent of strawberry shortcake, the frozen treat consists of a pile of creamy, noodle-shaped vanilla gelato; a “red sauce” of syrupy pureed strawberries; chocolate malted milk “meatballs”; and grated white-chocolate “cheese.” Points for creativity, and the kids will love it.

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Indy Winter Farmers Market Opens in City Market

Gorgeous beets of several varieties (the goldens get snapped up fast), ice cream from Lick, crepes from 3 Days in Paris, lettuces of every stripe, fresh eggs, sausages from Smoking Goose (alas, the bacon sold out early, save for the lamb variety), bright Brussels sprouts, bison steaks from Circle L Bison Farm and, oh goodness, just about everything else you might want to eat was on offer this weekend at the Indy Winter Farmers Market, enjoying its inaugural Saturday in the west wing of the City Market. The Star had some great photos of the bin action. But our favorite discovery of the week were the colorful and super-delicious breakfast boxes from Fermenti Artisan: local eggs, veggies, cheese (goat, from Capriole), and sausage griddled up hot, topped with bright Fermenti kraut, and served in a Chinese-food takeout container.