
George Floyd

George Floyd mural
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Downtown Indy’s Racial Justice Murals, In Their Artists’ Own Words

The stories behind the murals, directly from their creators.

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Real Change Takes Real Commitment

I wish I could say I was excited for the movement that seems to have pushed this city to finally act. I’m not.

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Thousands Gather At Statehouse To Demand Justice

The 9th day of protests were the largest yet.

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Black Lives Matter Protests Come To IMPD’s Door

For the eighth consecutive night, protestors led by Indy 10 Black Lives Matter came to demand justice for the victims of police violence.

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David Hampton Is Trying To Keep The Peace

“My primary concern is ensuring the safety of the protesters, who have a constitutional right to peacefully protest. But as a black man who feels the frustration and pain of so many, I also feel the need to be among the people, to hear their concerns on behalf of the mayor.”

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Gallery: Third Day Of Protests

Protests against racial injustice are met with violence.

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George Floyd Protest Turns Violent

Protests against racial injustice are met with violence.