
governor Mike Pence

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Our Interview With Mike Hot-Pence

President Donald Trump impersonators are in high demand right now. From Alec Baldwin to John Di Domenico, all comers angle to embody the out-sized personality of our imminently imitable 45th president. Nailing Vice President Mike Pence’s subtler traits, though, has proved difficult. Saturday Night Live’s Beck Bennett attempted Pence’s smooth-talking “America’s Stepdad!” last October, but […]

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Why One Indy Tech-Industry Player Supports Refugee Resettlement

“It’s not just believing in it as a human and for humanity and for morality.”

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Video: Mike Pence Attends ‘Hamilton,’ Gets Lectured

“We, sir—we—are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said actor Brandon Victor Dixon.

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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No, Really—Pence Could Be Trump’s VP Pick

If Pence is chosen, next Wednesday through Friday could become three of the most interesting days in the history of Indiana politics, setting off a ‘Game of Thrones’–like power scramble within the state GOP.

Donald Trump
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Trump to Indy: “I think I have a lot of voters in this room”

“I told my people I wanted to go to Indiana,” Trump told an estimated 3,000 attendees gathered in the half-full pavilion. “Indiana is going to be very important.”

Illustration by Jacqui Oakley
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War of the Roses: The Aftereffects of RFRA

RFRA goes into effect next month—but the law won’t be the last battle over LGBT rights.

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United State of Indiana Shouts Opposition to RFRA from Rooftop

United State of Indiana flies its colors.

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Letterman on Pence & RFRA

Finally, a Mike Pence meme.