
Growing Places Indy

A woman holding a plant
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Urban Farm Activist Victoria Beaty Is In Full Bloom

Since turning over a new leaf regarding her work and diet, everything has been coming up roses for Growing Places Indy’s executive director.

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Victoria Beaty’s Black Bean Brownies

Instant coffee or espresso enhance the cocoa flavor in these black bean brownies that Growing Places Indy executive director Victoria Beaty will feature at her upcoming plant-and-coffee shop, Botanical Bar.

Pacers Go Green Week
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Playing Dirty: Pacers Double-Team Urban Farm

Guards Rodney Stockney and Joe Young teamed up to move compost and prepare planting beds.

Farm to Table
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Eating Homegrown: Ways to Enjoy the Produce Chefs Love

Three options for bringing the lush produce chefs use at local restaurants home to your kitchen

Big Idea 1
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10 Big Ideas to Make Indy a Model City

Brainstorming the wildest, boldest, just-might-work ideas to make Indy a better place.

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Bee Public: A Firsthand Look at Beekeeping

Last year, writer Kate Franzman quit her office job to become an Indy beekeeper. Here, the adventures she’s had a long the way.

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Indy DIY: Backyard Gardening Classes

From planting herbs in containers to becoming a master gardener, these sessions will help you discover your roots.

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Indy DIY: Subscribe to Community Supported Agriculture

From beet greens to kohlrabi, fresh produce can be easily had by subscribing to one of these local CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture).

The Black and Red Quinoa Salad at Napolese is a hearty meal itself full of summer vegetables and other local produce.
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Dishes of the Year: Black and Red Quinoa Salad at Napolese

Their salads aren’t just greenery on the side of a pizza—filled with substantial elements such as Brussels sprouts or roasted cauliflower, they easily make a hearty meal.

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Foodie Couples: Perfect Pairings

Get to know eight couples operating some of Indy’s favorite restaurants and food services.

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The Give Guide: The Goods

Your go-to guide to give back in specific ways to those less fortunate in the Indianapolis and Central Indiana communities.

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Foodie: Laura Henderson of Indy Winter Farmers Market

“I really feel like my personal mission in life is directly tied to the work that I do,” Henderson says. “My job is to empower individuals and communities to grow well, eat well, live well, and be well.”