
health & wellness

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Best of Indy: Health & Beauty

See our picks for best trendy workout, rockin’ spinning class, healthy snack, yoga retreat, blowout bar, and more.

Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, M.D.
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Survey Says: Indy Top Doctors Answer Burning Questions

“I wish my patients wouldn’t bash the Affordable Care Act while benefiting from it.”

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The Bigger Issue: Child Obesity

Riley Hospital’s Change the Play program addresses growing concerns about child obesity that hinder kids of all shapes and sizes.

Andrew Luck and doctors from IU Health went back and forth with students from St. Richard
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Hey, Andrew Luck! The Kids Wanna Know …

Question: How many push-ups can you do in a minute? Luck: Hopefully 35! I’m not very good at push-ups. I lost to my girlfriend in a push-up competition in college.

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Good Catch: Andrew Luck Changes the Play with Riley Hospital

When Luck first arrived in Indy, he explored the city and was struck by IU Health’s footprint and Riley’s iconic red-wagon logo.

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Audrey Barron’s Raw Talent: Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe

If her location was a leap of faith, her dishes are just as daring.

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Speed Read: Swimmer Jim Barber Is Sea Worthy

The ultimate accomplishment for long-distance swimmers is the Oceans Seven, the world’s most challenging open-water swims. This month, the 54-year-old will continue his mission to become the club’s oldest member.

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CrossFit, Examined

The workouts not only make you stronger, faster, more agile, and cut; they should help you more easily carry groceries, pick up your child, and outrun a mugger.

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Unspoken Rules of the Monon Trail

Smile if smiled at. Eccentrics welcome (including you, unicycler).

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Andrew Luck's Offseason: Child's Play

Colts quarterback Andrew Luck and Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health debuted their Change the Play summer-camp tour Tuesday in Bloomington. After another stop in West Lafayette on Thursday, the program will resume this fall at schools throughout Indiana. Change the Play focuses on developing healthy habits among children, and Luck’s passion for fitness and well-being […]

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Cross Examined

A beginner’s guide to the CrossFit craze.

Karena Dawn
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Thigh Master: Meet Hoosier Karena Dawn

She’s kooky—and she has the whole brains-beauty-brawn package.

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The Truth About Barre

I had my answer halfway though that first class. My abs, thighs, hips, rear, and arms were screaming for mercy.

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Indy Workouts: Get Juiced

Anyone for a smoothie with pineapple, mango, banana, and coconut oil, plus almond or oat milk?

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Nine Indy Workout Hotspots

Calorie-burns fit for fun summer living. Ready for Zumba in the pool and spinning to Poison?