
Hoosier Mountain Bike Association

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Hot On the Trails: Indy’s Town Run Trail Park

Trek women’s advocate Kate Nolan has ridden Town Run for 20 years. “It’s very flowy. There are lots of short step-ups and -downs, and I love the drops,” she says. “It has plenty of terrain changes, from hilly and windy to dirt berms in the prairie.”

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Brown County’s Nice Treads

What the Brown County terrain lacks in contour, it makes up for with 82 miles of scenic, rolling trails, and a passionate Hoosier Mountain Bike Association whose members pedal hard to keep their neck of the woods at the front of the pack.

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Join the Pack: Great Indy Hiking and Biking Groups

Founded in 1957, the 580-member Indianapolis Hiking Club organizes more than 2,000 hikes annually around the state and beyond (including a 2015 weeklong trip to the Rio Grande).