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Importantville: Buttigieg Bingo Round 2

Ahead of tonight’s democratic debate in Detroit, our follow-up scorecard for Pete Buttigieg Bingo.

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Importantville: Buttigieg Speaks To Young Dems In Indy

“The New Deal era ended with Reagan. The Reagan era ends with us.”

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Importantville: Buttigieg’s Staff Hits 250 As Indiana Becomes 2020 Epicenter

What’s happening—and what’s next—at the intersection of Indiana politics and business?

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Importantville: Buttigieg Announces 2020 Bid

“I am a proud son of South Bend, Indiana. And I am running for President of the United States.”

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Importantville: What We Learned About Mayor Pete In New Hampshire

What’s happening—and what’s next—at the intersection of Indiana politics and business?

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Importantville: Buttigieg’s Big Bucks

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg racked up a stunning $7 million in the first quarter of his presidential exploratory committee his campaign announced Monday, defying expectations for a candidacy that began with an email list of just 20,000.

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Importantville: Merritt For Mayor

“Everyone’s talking about Beto and Biden. But here’s another ‘B’ you should know.”

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Importantville: Post-Thanksgiving Leftovers

“I was very honored to be the first here in Indiana. Obviously, we made state history here.”

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Importantville: Buttigieg PAC, Young’s 2020 Map, And Pence In Asia

“The Democratic Party is more than a party of coastal elites.”

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Importantville: Post-Midterm Hot Takes

“I will contend until the day I die that the vast majority of Joe’s critics on the left have never reconciled themselves to the fact that Indiana is bigger than just where they live.”

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Importantville: Post-Midterm Takeaways

“I think voters here probably are ready for universal healthcare.”

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Importantville: Midterm Election Week

No one really knows anything.

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Oladipo To Endorse Joe Donnelly

Oladipo with the assist.