
Indianapolis Public Library

Homeless people seeking shelter under large books
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The Library’s Novel Approach To A Crisis

Overwhelmed with homeless people and others facing a crisis, the Indianapolis Public Library has a new way to serve its most vulnerable patrons.

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Indianapolis Public Library Debuts New Center For Black Literature And Culture

The center is “dedicated to celebrating the vibrant and resilient heritage and triumphs of those born of African roots.”

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Top Five Writing Nooks

Local spots for local writers.

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Check It Out: Cookbook Rental Renewed for … How Long?

Our library let me keep a beloved cookbook for longer than you’d ever guess–and it nourished my soul.

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The Give Guide: The Goods

Your go-to guide to give back in specific ways to those less fortunate in the Indianapolis and Central Indiana communities.

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The Hoosierist: Smoking Section

What are the Indianapolis Public Library’s most checked-out books? And more of your queries answered.