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IndyFringe Reviews, Part III: Did That Really Just Happen?

[See parts I and II to this 2012 IndyFringe series here and here.]

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IndyFringe Reviews, Part II: Who You Gonna Call? Spirit Fighters!

After marathoning through three shows in a row on my first IndyFringe outing, I decided to slow down a little for day two, taking in one insanely funny musical and hitting up the Beer Tent for a little Brazilian flair.

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IndyFringe Reviews, Part I: Sex, Drugs & Dysfunctional Families

When I was a high school freshman, my dream was to be the star of the stage. I performed in two plays that year, but after failing to make the musical cast the following fall, I joined the speech team and found my true calling in public speaking. These days, I’ve dropped out of the drama world completely, but whenever I see a play, I wonder what it would be like to return to the stage.