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January 2016

Indiana quotations - Thomas Riley Marshall
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Greatest Indiana Catchphrases

Call him the old-school Donald Trump: Elwood native Wendell Willkie won the GOP presidential nomination in 1940 by emphasizing his business cred as a CEO. Merrie Melodies used Willkie as a punchline a few years later, when Bugs Bunny said, “IT AIN’T VENDELL VILLKIE!”

fictional Indiana characters - Leslie Knope
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Fictional Indiana Characters, Q-Rated

From Leslie Knope to Jimmy Chitwood, a breakdown of the state’s best-known roles.

default featured image
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Home and Abroad with Richard Lugar and Lee Hamilton

“There is a Midwestern calmness, a stability of outlook, very well exemplified by Dick [Lugar] and many, many others, that goes over well in Washington,” says longtime Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton.

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Hoosier Hall of Fame: O, Pioneers!

Cyclist Marshall “Major” Taylor, one of the barrier-breakers honored in IM’s Indiana Bicentennial coverage, was the first African-American athlete to win a world championship outside of boxing and to set world records.

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Auld Acquaintance: Deborah Paul on Nostalgia

I bucked up and responded “yes” to an invitation for my 50th high-school reunion, figuring it would likely be my last.

... for sharing the road with sober drivers.
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Hoosier Innovations

You’re welcome for… Prozac. Fluoride Toothpaste. Drunkometer. Transistor Radio. Ball Jar. Headlights. Cruise Control. Push Mower. Dr. Scholl’s. Limestone. NYT Crossword Puzzles. Sudoku. Chuck Taylors.

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Hoosier Hall Of Fame: It Happened Here!

The past comes alive at these historic spots-of-significance around the state—some of which are getting a little lift from Bicentennial projects.

J. Irwin Miller
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Cummins

Ripple Effects: Cummins goes global—and brings the world to Indiana.

Emelia Earhart
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Purdue’s Giant Leaps

Ripple Effects: One Purdue University grad’s apprenticeship under the first-ever aviators sets the course for an out-of-this-world legacy.

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Hoosier Hall of Fame: All Roads Lead to the Speedway

Is it just us, or do all roads lead to Indiana’s—and the world’s—most famous racetrack? From Hawaii to Nazareth, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway leaves its tracks.

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Street Savvy — 16th Street

Once known as Tinker Street, Herron-Morton’s main artery makes a creative comeback. Take an interactive tour of 16th Street.

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Caught in the Middle: What Is Indiana’s Brand?

Starting now, Hoosiers will mark two centuries of Indiana history with a yearlong party. But what, exactly, are we commemorating?

Indiana Bicentennial
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Indiana Bicentennial: The Next 200 Years

State climatologist Dev Niyogi anticipates we’ll become adept at customizing our climate, from urban design and cloud seeding to new technologies. So put on your thinking caps, kids.

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The Indiana Beard Hall of Fame

Grow your ode to the bearded state! As Fishers shop Vardagen reminded us with “The Bearded State” tee, we’ve compiled our Indiana Beard Hall of Fame.

Herman B. Wells
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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Indiana University

On the strength of groundbreaking faculty and famous alumni, Herman B Wells makes Indiana University into an academic powerhouse. The ripple effects follow from a Champaign-to-Bloomington transfer.