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Le Chateau Renaissance

Steve Hilbert
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Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous: Steve and Tomisue Hilbert in the ’90s

Then there’s the house, the most visible manifestation of Steve Hilbert’s megabucks lifestyle. Built over several years by Hilbert and his ex-wife, it embodies the sort of wealth that even some nations would envy.

Melania Trump
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Dumpster Fire of the Vanities: John Menard, Steve Hilbert, and the Midwestern Nouveau Riche

With Donald Trump and wife Melania Trump dragged into the fray, the feud was no longer just a regional skirmish pitting a flamboyant Hoosier millionaire against a meat-and-potatoes billionaire from America’s Dairyland. It was a critical mass of heavyweight egos, with jealously guarded private lives hung out on the courthouse clothesline.