
LGBT civil rights

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Quick Q&A With Indy Pride Director Chris Handberg

“You have a wide array of personalities who celebrate as a community. People from so many different backgrounds gather together, and for that day, become a family.”

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‘Leave Indiana’s Civil Rights Law Alone,’ Says Conservative Activist Patrick Mangan

“The main problem with this [legislation],” says Mangan, “is that it’s creating legal tension between legitimate constitutional and human rights versus behavior-based groups that want to achieve a special status in the law.”

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‘Protecting LGBT Civil Rights a Must After RFRA,’ Says GOP Strategist Megan Robertson

“Right now, in the majority of the state, if somebody wanted to hang up a sign that says, ‘No Gays,’ or whatever other term they decided to use, they could do that and be completely within the law.”

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Q&A: Indiana Pastors Alliance’s Ron Johnson on LGBT Civil Rights

“The LGBT worldview and the Judeo-Christian worldview are opposites. When you try to reconcile sexual license with religious liberty, those two things don’t go together.”

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Q&A: Freedom Indiana’s Chris Paulsen on LGBT Civil Rights

“It’s not a Republican or a Democrat issue. It’s a fairness issue. I think Hoosiers want to be known as fair, because we are fair.”