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Can An Indy Startup Conquer Mental Health’s Final Frontier?

MindX Sciences says its blood test could revolutionize mental health treatment — if they can convince doctors and businesses to buy in.

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The Unblinding: Has Lilly Solved the Alzheimer’s Puzzle? — An Epilogue

The search continues.

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The Unblinding: Has Lilly Solved The Alzheimer’s Puzzle?

Eli Lilly and Company has spent three decades and $3 billion in an Ahab-like quest to develop the world’s first effective drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Riley Champions
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A Meeting of Champions at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Chloe wants to do all she can to help the kids currently staying at Riley, because she knows what it’s like to be stuck in a hospital bed, wishing she were someplace else.

William Buttars opener
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The Boy with Half a Brain

In order to save their baby’s life, they had to risk it.

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Top Doctors Q&A: Rajiv Sood

Dr. Rajiv Sood proves that plastic surgery is far more than superficial.

Robot Medical technology
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Hi, Tech!

Breakthrough technology in local Indy hospitals.

Castle Connolly Logo
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Top Doctors Methodology

Indianapolis Monthly’s annual Top Doctors list answers the burning question, Which specialists do doctors turn to for their medical treatment?

Dr. Gerardo Gomez
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My Gun Story: The ER Doctor

“A common misconception is that we’re searching for the bullet. We don’t care about the bullet.”

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Our Top 10 Stories of 2014

From a tap-dancing dynamo to a soul-man belter, from Lauren Spierer to Larry Legend, these are the year’s most-viewed newsmakers.

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The Checkups: Indy Health News About Memory, Hearts & More

Some patients are bypassing the bypass anymore.

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Top Doctors' Tough Calls: The Heart-Attack Pregnancy

Interventional cardiologist Bradley Weinberg was dealing with a situation that only occurs about once in 20,000 pregnancies, yet he had to think quickly.

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Well-Read: Top Docs Prescribe These Six Health Books

The Deadly Dinner Party fascinates with tales of rare and mysterious ailments and helps readers understand why a doctor often has to play detective.

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See What Top Docs Keep in Their Medicine Cabinets

Plus, what they never have in there

Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, M.D.
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Survey Says: Indy Top Doctors Answer Burning Questions

“I wish my patients wouldn’t bash the Affordable Care Act while benefiting from it.”