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Mike Pence

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Outtakes from the Bio of Mike Pence

Dinner with one person from history? That would be Jesus Christ, this “evangelical Catholic” once told The Indianapolis Star.

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Late-Night TV Takes a Look at Mike Pence

“If you’re a lady Hoosier, you may recognize him as the governor who inspected your reproductive organs every 30 days to make sure you weren’t using them in ways that would make Jesus sad.”

Emmitt Carney
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A Class Dismissed

Marion Academy promised to restore order in the classrooms and on the streets of Indianapolis. But when the charter school for juvenile offenders opened last August, it delivered chaos. “Sometimes, I think some of our students would be better off in jail. They’re safer there. Isn’t that a horrible thing to say?”

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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No, Really—Pence Could Be Trump’s VP Pick

If Pence is chosen, next Wednesday through Friday could become three of the most interesting days in the history of Indiana politics, setting off a ‘Game of Thrones’–like power scramble within the state GOP.

Bill Hudnut
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Bill Hudnut: A Man of His Word

The beloved former mayor’s opinions are as sharp as ever. Here, he reflects on his time at the helm of Indianapolis and takes Indiana’s Republican Party to task.

Donald Trump
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Trump to Indy: “I think I have a lot of voters in this room”

“I told my people I wanted to go to Indiana,” Trump told an estimated 3,000 attendees gathered in the half-full pavilion. “Indiana is going to be very important.”

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Caught in the Middle: What Is Indiana’s Brand?

Starting now, Hoosiers will mark two centuries of Indiana history with a yearlong party. But what, exactly, are we commemorating?

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Culture Warriors: LGBT Battlefield

“RFRA was embarrassing, but Pence hasn’t won elections by championing LGBT causes. And he still wields the veto pen, which is mighty indeed.”

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Planned Parenthood of Indiana Struggles to Distance Itself from the National Scandal

““It’s not about us,” says local Planned Parenthood president Betty Cockrum. “But in the big scheme of things, it’s totally about us.”

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Tweets of the Week: Mike Pence

A lot of people were unhappy with Gov. Mike Pence last week. Really unhappy.

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On Stage with Taylor Swift

Getting on stage during Swift’s 1989 tour is an A-List badge of honor. Who will get the invite in Indy?

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Getting Right: The Long, Slow Recovery of Austin, Indiana

Austin has become a mecca for illegal drug use and crime. The problem was painfully highlighted by the HIV outbreak that hit this spring.

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Phil Gulley: Without a Hitch

“While I’m clearing the air, I’ll add that their gay marriage harmed my traditional marriage exactly zero percent.”

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Tweets of the Week: Finding Comic Relief in RFRA

Finding the humor amidst a tremulous time for LGBT Hoosiers.

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RFRA: What You Might Have Missed

RFRA has sparked widespread outrage.