

Angela Brown
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The Soprano: Angela Brown’s Rise to Stardom

It was clear that not only could Brown sing opera—she had a rare gift. Her upper register was high and melodic, and she commanded it with equal lightness or fullness. Her lower register was deep and mellow.

The Ticket 2015
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Q&A: Matthew Kraemer

Indy native Matthew Kraemer has conducted orchestras across the globe—now he’s returning home.

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Indianapolis Opera Stages a Comeback

Larry Legend loves opera? There’s a twist as unexpected as the one in Oedipus Rex. “Why not support the arts?” Bird says. “It’s important for the city and everyone who lives here.”

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ISO and Guests Breathe Fresh Life into Yuletide Celebration

It remains a wonderfully hopeful and care-releasing show in the Symphony’s season, apt to melt even the most resistant audience member’s icy viscera.

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State of the Arts: Indianapolis Opera Goes on with the Show

The Opera knows it won’t be giving up classic, grand operas—but avant-garde productions, operatic musicals, concerts, festivals, and other formats are all on the table to try.