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Phil Gulley: Fallen Idle

It doesn’t help one’s self-esteem to be branded nonessential by the governor.

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The Historic Steer-In Brings Back The Carhop

In response to COVID-19’s social-distancing requirements, a 60-year-old eastside institution looks to the future by revisiting its past.

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Stocking Your Quarantine Bar Cart

A handful of local restaurants, bars, and distilleries have adjusted their business models to keep everyone’s bar carts and wine racks fully stocked.

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Signs Of The Time

We’re all in this together.

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The Yesterdays Of Tomorrow

Yesterday was Mardi Gras, Cinco de Mayo, Carb Day, Race Day, Opening Day of MLB, the 4th of July, and the first-day-of-summer-as-a-sixth-grader all rolled into one—except a billion times BETTER. And sunnier. And giddier.

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Dispatch From Florida

“So naturally, when asked to share my thoughts on our current COVID-19 quarantine situation, why wouldn’t a comparison to a hundred-year-old column on post-war Paris be my go-to?”